Sunday, November 22, 2020

Official Prediction For 3 To 5 On The Richter Scale (Or Bigger) Earthquake To Strike East Coast, Major Cities, Or That Boston Region Epicenter Again Before December 15, 2020!!!

As of the early morning hours of Sunday, November 22, 2020 a second notable (albeit 2.0) earthquake has struck at virtually the same Massachusetts Epicenter South of Boston as a 3.6 struck on November 8, 2020, and today I'm writing to the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, NEPEC, to say it may be possible that a bigger one could follow, yet!

Today we are talking about the northwesterly line representing landfall of Hurricane Sally on September 16, 2020 at Gulf Shores, Alabama and Hurricane Zeta at New Orleans on October 28, 2020, and both crossing the Carolinas where they also recently had a 2.0, and 1.5 Centerville, South Carolina, there.  However it is the epicenter South of Boston where the 2.0 struck early Sunday, November 22, 2020 and same epicenter big 3.6 On The Richter Scale struck on November 8, 2020 with both earthquakes bearing the title "Bliss Corners" there.

As always, and might I say remaining unknown at this point, is if these will become foreshocks of a bigger one to follow.  My experience tracking situations such as this tells me bigger ones can & do follow although Ecuador 7.8 is one of those that followed a ton of what we now thusly know were foreshocks!

So, today I must mostly assert Carolinas, New York, Washington DC, and up into Boston might expect 3 to 5 On The Richter Scale (or bigger?) with Day 31 November 28, Day 33 November 30, and Day 43 coming on December 13, 2020.  And again all this due to me following imaginary straight-line from those landfalls and noting the first reading the line went directly through major cities, there.  Re-calibration resulted in a line just to the west of all the cities on our East Coast but more or less virtually the same amount of danger, there!  Both lines head in that general direction, of course, and we'll need to continue this alert into/through January 15, 2021 and into February if necessary.  I must say the line we're so concerned with right now also intersects with Mexico City, and the State of Oaxaca, Mexico and could be big earthquake in that region also inside this window the danger of which will not fully run it's course until Mid-February 2021.

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