Thursday, April 16, 2020

GLOBAL WARMING NEWS, APRIL 16, 2020, The Transcript:

Hello Again Everybody, Global Warming Dude, Here!!! Currently quarantined like everybody else, although outside right now to film this video, while watching as virtually the whole world watches the Corona Virus thing passing us by!!!

With one report just in from the CDC saying 90% of people hospitalized have underlying conditions. And now 40,000 layed off at Disneyland, and Las Vegas has been closed for a month, now!

It is my opinion that this ALL may be running it's course VERY soon! Just a matter of start this day. . . get this many more or wait another week and get eventually fewer and fewer but, and it's most unfortunate. . . the line has to be drawn somewhere and at some point as we all pretty much know! SOONER of course will result in at least slightly more recidivism. . .and the longer we wait saves more, but continues to put more and more people out of buisness and ruin many more households. Kind of a bad trade-off we'll have to eventually face at some point!

We (Here in Wisconsin, anyways) have lots and lots of paper mills. . .but I recently heard NOT ALL parts of the country are quite so lucky!!! AND lots of my regular listeners know we're running out of trees, anyways, so regardless toilet paper IS going to very soon be part of our past and I don't know WHAT we're all going to do. . . about that! Rubber also comes from trees, along with a few other things such as Apples & Oranges, and Global Warming DOES seem to be killing LOT of trees!

So, WHEN Corona Virus DOES eventually pass, we will still be looking at melting glaciers, ice at the north and south poles all melting, extreme heat and temperatures everywhere, and Category-6, 7, 8, 9, & 10 Hurricanes with 300 to about 500 Mile Per Hour winds!!!

All that and of course the possibility of yet another Corona Virus such as Covid-20, Covid-21, Covid-22, 23, 24, 25, and Etc. And maybe . . . if we are really lucky, we'll get to see mosquitoes between one foot, and 4 or 5 feet tall and easily big enough to suck A LOT. . ,. of Human Blood!!!

That's Global Warming News. . . And I'M. . . The Global Warming Dude!!!

HERE'S a Link To that Video at YouTube@

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